the devil you know is the only one
Which hippie commie liberal freedom-hating anti-patriot said this?
How about this?
Or this?
Or this?
"The administration should clarify its intent... people lack confidence in the credibility of our government. Even our allies are beginning to suspect what we say... it's a difficult thing today to be informed about our government even without all the secrecy... with the secrecy, it's impossible. The American people will do what's right when they have the information they need."1
How about this?
"I do, however, believe it is important to the future of our Nation to recognize that there is a problem of credibility today."2
Or this?
"I believe the following significant and timely editorial which appeared in today's issue of the New York Times... merits wide attention. I concur in the conclusion expressed therein that the people of the United States must know not only how their country became involved but where we are heading."3
Or this?
"Accurate judgment is predicated on accurate information. Government has an obligation to present information to the public promptly and accurately so that the public's evaluation of Government activities is not distorted. Political pundits speak of the 'credibility gap' in the present administration. Indeed, this appellation is so widespread that it has become a household word."4
- Donald Rumsfeld, quoted in Chicago Tribune, 4/13/66
- Donald Rumsfeld, in the Congressional Record, 89th Cong. Pg. A1454, 3/15/66; also Chicago Sun-Times, 12/5/65
- Donald Rumsfeld, in the Congressional Record, 89th Cong. Pg. 21081, 8/19/65; also New York Times, 8/19/65
- Donald Rumsfeld, in the Congressional Record, 90th Cong. pg A792, 2/21/67
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