Saturday, May 07, 2005

greasemonkey: intellitxt killer

If you frequent or you're probably all too familiar with 'Intellitxt' - those annoying contextual advertising popups that infect the page, like so:


I'm often led to these sites by Google searches for answers to tough problems, and I'm never in the mood for a popup that obscures what I'm reading, and while I understand that these sites are supported by advertising funds I also know that I am so hostile to said advertising that they are never going to get a cent from me anyway, so I might as well enjoy my time there free of ads.

To that end I've written DumbTxt, a greasemonkey script for Firefox that removes Intellitxt popups. Currently the script is set to include '*' and '*', but on my machine I've changed this to simply '*'... I don't ever want to see those ads, and a few extra cycles during page load is a small price to pay.

As always, if you've got comments or recommendations or complaints, please leave them as comments on this post.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

complaint: putting * stops Gmail from working - using firefox1.0.3 it seems to load the page after filling in the login information but then it displays *noting* :-(

Thanks for the script anyway - I am sure the details will get worked out. I really hate these pseudo pop-ups!

Blogger Foobario said...

EEP. Thnks for the info... I'll see if I can figure it out.

This is like one of those operations where they want to remove a tumor but it's so intertwined with your brain they might kill you if they remove it.

Blogger Foobario said...

Hannes -

I can't reproduce the GMail error... it works fine here.

Any ideas?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...what am I saying?
... I guess it was just too late last night... I now put* in the excluded section and all works fine (as long as they stay away from these ads).
The problem was probably caused by that little red "Loading..." thingy showing up top-right while loading the Inbox folder.
Next time I better get some sleep before complaining ;-)


Blogger FJ said...

Brilliant. Thanks for this great script. I get really annoyed with those sneaky links.

Blogger ahecht said...

The script doesn't seem to block pop-up AdLinks by Kontera. These are included on sites such as I tried editing the script to include "Kontera " in the list of trigger words, but it didn't work.

Any ideas?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

much simpler (same effect ?) :

(function() {
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